(Updated 10/08/2020)
This is part of your agreement when joining Theatre Cats. Membership is open to all, subject to the following conditions:
Theatre Cats accepts no responsibility for loss or damage of personal belongings while on the premises.
Theatre Cats accepts no liability for any injuries sustained whilst participating in a class or on the premises.
Theatre Cats Staff must be notified of any changes to the information provided on the Enrolement Form.
All staff, including cover teachers (who may be brought in at short notice), are qualified, experienced and DBS checked. Volunteer class assistants and trainees on placements are all DBS checked. There is always a first aider on site.
Supervision while on site:
Students must ensure they always get full permission from staff prior to leaving class. Toilet breaks will be supervised by either a member of staff or class facilitator and students will always be supervised whilst on site.
Racist, sexist and other offensive language and behaviour is not tolerated, and we reserve the right to terminate membership without notice. Behaviour of staff, parents and students must always follow our code-of-conduct.
Please note that under no circumstances are pets allowed on premises due to Health and Safety reasons.
Parents/carers will be invited to at least one performance per year. Parents/carers are not permitted to watch otherwise. (If a child is new or particularly unconfident, parents/carers may be allowed to sit in during the first ten minutes of one class at the Site Managers discretion). Theatre Cats provides costumes and props for shows where possible, but parents may be asked to provide basic accessories and basic costume if required.
Emergency contact number:
Theatre Cats emergency mobile phone is kept with the Site Manager. The number will be given out upon registration and may be used if there are problems regarding the collection of children. Do not ring the office as there may not be anyone there.
Students are encouraged to bring a drink of water or squash with them as sessions will be very active.
Chewing gum/ fizzy drinks are strictly forbidden on the premises. No food is to be eaten during class time.
Please bring snacks/lunch and drinks with you during longer periods of time: EG – Holiday workshops, long rehearsals and performances.
This is basic but essential and gives the students a sense of belonging, a sense of ritual and sense of dressing for something important – their class. T-shirts, hoodies and bags are available to order from your class teacher. Appropriate clothing is necessary for health and safety and child protection. Students must not wear their school uniform to any class.
All t-shirts, shoes and bags must be clearly labelled – lost property is donated to charity at the end of every term.
Strictly no jewellery – no earrings (earrings are very unsafe during physical activity).
Hair must be tied back from the face for all classes.
Second-hand t-shirts for sale: there is often a good selection of second-hand t-shirts which can be bought from the site manager at a greatly reduced rate.
DONATIONS OF DANCE CLOTHING/shoes/costumes: We welcome donations of dancewear that are in good condition and can be re-sold at a small price or lent to students.
Most Theatre Cats Classes:
Top: Theatre Cats T-shirt and Hoodies can be purchased from your class teacher. Orders are made once a term.
Bottom: Tracksuit bottoms or leggings are ideal.
Shoes: Black soft plimsolls (like those worn for school gym lessons) or black jazz shoes are ideal. Trainers are suitable too. Crocs, heels and open-toed sandals/flip-flops are not allowed.
Children must arrive and be collected promptly. It is very important that children arrive in time for their classes, preferably 5 minutes before the start. This allows the group time to settle from the moment the class starts.
Where possible Theatre Cats will aim to let people know of any changes in venue or class time at least one week ahead of schedule.
Photographs/Video recordings will be taken during classes, rehearsals and performances for marketing purposes. We assume that you give your permission for photographs and video recordings to be used in this way, if not please inform your child's teacher straight away.
Please inform us as quickly as possible regarding your child's absence. Missed classes must still be paid for.
Parents are not to allow their child to attend Theatre Cats if they are feeling unwell or have a known injury which would prevent a student from fully taking part.
This includes presenting any contagious illness including (but not limited to): Chicken Pox, Head Lice, Common Cold, Flu and, as of March 2020, symptoms of COVID-19.
COVID-19: Parents are expected to follow government advice in relation to when to self-isolate. You must complete a health declaration form before attending Theatre Cats.
Refunds will only be given in the event of illness or injury preventing attendance at classes for a sustained period of time as the Staff Member's discretion.
Child Collection:
Teachers must ensure that each child has left a session with an adult or older child (agreed in advance with parent). It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure the child is collected punctually at the end of the class or session. Should a parent/guardian not turn up to collect a child on time – this is the procedure to follow:
Inform class teacher who will contact the parent/guardian.
If the parent/carer is not reachable, and you must leave, the emergency procedure is as follows:
Leave a message with the parent and contact the Management Team with all the information. Wait until another member of the team can arrive.
If the parent/guardian is not reachable and there is no adult available, you must take the child to the nearest police station. Telephone 101. Inform the police of all contact details for the parent/guardian and notify the entire Theatre Cats Management Team as above. Leave a message for the parent/guardian to say where the child will be.
Waiting List:
Members on the waiting list will be contacted in order of the list. If members are unavailable, no message will be left. The next member will be contacted and the first to make contact will receive the place.
Current students: payments must be received in advance or on the first day on term to confirm a place.
New students: A 4 week trial payment (of £32.00) needs to be paid to confirm your child's place in the class.
If payment for registered places is not received by this time and the Theatre Cats office hasn’t been contacted in advance, then the place will be offered to another student using the priority listed above.
Failure to make payment after term starts may result in no place being available. If this happens Theatre Cats will make every attempt to offer an alternative course or arrangement. If this is not possible then your name will be added to a waiting list.
If payment is outstanding, Theatre Cats reserves the right to withhold services. Every attempt will be made not to discuss monies owed with parents or children (especially when children arrive without supervision).
Theatre Cats may share data with debt collection agencies in order to re-coup monies owed.
If membership is cancelled, a minimum of 4 week's notice should be given. Customers must pay 4 week’s fees.
Occasionally some classes may be cancelled due to circumstances beyond Theatre Cats control. The administration team will endeavour to contact paid customers and will either offer an exchange for the course or, in rare cases of a cancellation, a full refund will be given.
If Theatre Cats cannot deliver classes due to force majeure or government directive, we shall implement online classes via video conferencing software as a replacement. No refunds will be offered.
If a child or household member is told to self-isolate by NHS Track and Trace (or equivalent service) classes will be provided to the student via video conferencing software.
Theatre Cats cannot offer a refund if you do not attend a class. A full refund will be given if the chosen class/workshop is fully booked on receipt of payment.
Holiday courses are non-refundable unless a student replacement can be found.
01283 337953
01283 337953