46 Parliament Street, Newhall, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE11 0SQ
Date Adopted: 10/8/2020
Date of last review: 10/8/2020
To be reviewed next before/on: 10/8/2021
To ensure distribution to all permanent and freelance staff and volunteers
To distribute appropriate sections to parents and customers as needed
Theatre Cats will continue to review and update this procedure as more information becomes available.
Monitoring is part of management procedure and will be enforced by all staff.
Theatre Cats is committed to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all students, staff and volunteers and will continue to follow the advice of the UK Government, NHS, Public Health England and our local Health Protection Team.
The current (summarised) advice is:
Educational settings are opening for all year groups in September 2020
OOSS can open from the beginning of the school summer holidays
Social distancing is 2m (or 1m+ if 2m is not possible or with risk mitigation)
Anyone who is showing symptoms of a cough and/or fever are to self-isolate for 14 days
Anyone with confirmed COVID-19 or contact by track and Trace are to self-isolate for 14
When Theatre Cats can provide in-person classes and workshops we intend to do so.
The welfare of Theatre Cats' students, staff and volunteers is paramount
All staff and volunteers are responsible for ensuring this procedure is followed
It is the role of everyone at Theatre Cats to minimise the risk of spreading COVID-19
Theatre Cats is committed to following the advice of the UK Government, NHS and Public Health England
Teacher: Student Ratio = 2:15
All current social distancing measures will be implemented throughout this procedure.
Groups of no more than 15 students will be supervised by 1 or 2 teachers. For the purposes of child-friendly and age appropriateness Theatre Cats will call these groups 'bubbles'. There is to be no cross contamination between bubbles as students will not mix and spaces will be cleaned between each groups use.
To attend classes, parents must agree to a health questionnaire being completed each day to confirm no one in the household has any symptoms or has been told to self-isolate. Children may supply their own PPE equipment, but it is not the responsibility of teachers to ensure it is used or worn correctly. It is not to be worn during physical activity.
No parents will be allowed on site, they must drop off and collect at separate entry points. Staggered drop off and collection times to ensure no over-crowding, and 2m markers will be laid out to ensure any queuing results in social
Upon arrival, all students are to immediately wash their hands/use hand-sanitizer and have their temperature taken through our infra-red thermometer. Student's should arrive ready for class. Students are encouraged to arrive in private cars, or by walking or cycling.
Any child with a fever must be immediately isolated and collected by their parents.
Students will be then taken to the space used for their classes where they will have been allocated a space to use throughout their session.
Students will also bring their bags in to this space. Increased handwashing is encouraged particularly before and
after eating or using equipment. They will also have to use hand-sanitizer before leaving.
Breaks, moving to different spaces and the use of corridors and bathrooms will be closely monitored to ensure social distancing is always upheld. This will be through staggered breaks, toilet supervision and a one-way corridor system.
Any student/teacher or family member who is tested positive for COVID-19 up to two weeks post event dates must immediately inform Theatre Cats management. The bubble that is affected will immediately be notified including students/parents/teachers. Should this occur while classes are running, the bubble affected will be shut down, and spaces deep cleaned immediately follow government guidance for COVID-19: cleaning in non-healthcare settings.
If a student is incapable of following new rules within the studio Theatre Cats, as mentioned in our student behaviour policy, has the right to remove the student from classes. This will be on a case-by-case basis and no refund will be offered.
Site managers must ensure they have disinfectant spray/wipes before every session, or purchase some with petty cash. Site manager must also ensure that they have the full PPE equipment provided by Theatre Cats to be able to administer first aid.
All site management staff must immediately wash their hands for the prescribed 20 second period upon arrival at site and deep clean all rooms and equipment (if this is not done by the venue). They must also check their own temperature, record it and complete the staff health questionnaire.
Site Managers then must use disinfectant spray/wipes to clean any high contact points, including (but not limited to):
Door Handles
Sinks, Taps and hand dryers
Equipment used in class
Site managers must also check the quantity of soap and paper towels in bathrooms and contact premises if supplies are low.
Site managers must ensure the prominent display of hygiene posters (Catch it, kill it, bin it and hand washing diagrams) and use low-contact electrical tape/or floor dots to mark sections in spaces to be used including in bathrooms.
Upon teacher arrival at site, site managers must ensure all teachers wash their hands and are temperature checked (which is recorded). Teachers must also be briefed daily and provided antibacterial spray/wipes and gloves if needed. They must also complete the staff health questionnaire.
Upon student arrival at site, site managers must ensure all parents complete the student health form before allowing their child(ren) on to site. Attendees then must wash their hands and temperature checked (which is recorded).
Site managers must ensure teachers are regularly washing their hands, especially when handling Theatre Cats', venue and personal equipment.
During operation, any communal space for adults (i.e. the staff room) must be cleaned down between teachers. While it is the teacher's responsibility to conduct this cleaning, site managers must ensure it is conducted.
Site Managers must also wash their hands at regular intervals, no less than between each class or moving between student groups. This includes while moving between classes to supervise.
Site Managers must also wash their hands before/after eating.
Between each class site managers must again clean any space used and use disinfectant spray/wipes to clean any high contact points, including (but not limited to):
Door Handles
Sinks & Taps
Equipment used in class
Site Managers are expected to ventilate classes as much as possible, including opening doors and windows to encourage air flow.
If a student is incapable of following social distancing guidelines or any new rules established to make Theatre Cats COVID-19 secure, the site manager must use their discretion in order to control the situation. This could include behaviour management and/or result in the child's removal from courses. In this instance management must be continuously updated.
Site Managers are expected to follow other NHS guidelines to avoid spreading the virus including washing hands before/after eating and reporting any potential symptoms/confirmed diagnoses to the office as a matter of urgency.
All teachers and volunteers must immediately wash their hands for the prescribed 20 second period upon arrival at site. They must also do this between every class.
Teachers and volunteers are expected to assist site managers with student handwashing between lessons and cleaning during changeover.
During operation, any communal space for adults (i.e. the staff room) must be cleaned down between teachers of separate bubbles groups. Where resources are available, staff must use separate equipment. Teachers must clean before and after use of the kitchen and any cups/kettles/fridge/refreshment containers must be wiped with antibacterial wipes/sprays.
If teachers/volunteers are teaching at schools other than Theatre Cats, a meticulous log of these sessions must be kept in order to assist NHS track and trace and Theatre Cats in safeguarding students.
If a student breaks new social distancing rules, or any other rule implemented by Theatre Cats to safeguard students, site management must be immediately informed.
Teachers and Volunteers are expected to follow other Theatre Cats procedure, social distancing and NHS guidelines to avoid spreading the virus including washing hands before/after eating and reporting any potential symptoms/confirmed diagnoses to the office as a matter of urgency.
01283 337953
01283 337953