At Theatre Cats we aim to maintain a secure, caring and stimulating environment in which children are encouraged to have respect for themselves and each other. Whilst expectations in our Behaviour Policy remain pertinent, it is necessary, in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, to make some adjustments for the safety of all pupils and staff.
This document should be read alongside the Student Behaviour Policy.
Arrivals, Departures and Moving Around
Children will be dropped off at the door. Children will take a compulsory temperature check in order to enter the building. There is no need for any other parent/carer to enter building.
At their designated home time, children will leave the building again through their designated exit.
Again, there should be no reasons for parents/carers to enter the building.
Movement around the site will be limited. They will always keep 2m apart when moving around (for
instance, to the toilet). Children will follow an adult from their bubble on their designated route.
Children will be expected to tell a member of staff if they are unwell and are exhibiting signs of Coronavirus.
Children must have a responsibility for their own equipment and belonging and make sure they are not shared with other pupils EG – coats/drinks etc.
Handwashing and Hygiene
Children will be expected to follow all hand washing and hygiene routines. Children will wash hands/use antibacterial hand gel before entering, after returning from the toilet/sneezing and/or coughing as well as before they leave.
We ask the children to follow the catch it, bin it, kill it mantra. If they need to cough or sneeze, they
should use a tissue or the crook of their arm.. Children will be reminded not to touch their face, mouth, nose or eyes while at Theatre Cats.
Should a child refuse to follow these routines, disciplinary procedures and sanctions will be used (see below).
Social Distancing
Children who are old enough will be expected to socially distance from their peers and adults inside and while outside. They will have their own designated space inside any space used which they will be expected to go straight to and nowhere else in the room. Children will put their hand up if they need adult support rather than come up to them.
Teachers will ensure that pupils, wherever possible, adhere to social distancing measures. Where older pupils do not comply, the usual disciplinary procedures and sanctions will be used (see below).
We understand socially distancing may be difficult for younger children, they will be encouraged wherever possible to keep their distance from peers and adults, however, we understand this may not always be possible.
Children will be supervised and encouraged to use toilets one at a time. When a child has finished in the toilet, they must wash their hands.
Break Times (during holiday workshops etc)
Children will have a designated place to play during break times. Children will be expected to remain
socially distant from peers and adults during play and break times. They will be expected to remain in their space during this time. This will not be as lineated as inside spaces, but children will have an area they can all share within their bubble.
We encourage teachers to praise individuals for their good work, attitude and good behaviour and show recognition if this is bought to their attention. Above all praise and encouragement should be used as much as possible and can be used to show children model behaviours etc. For the time being we will not be giving stickers out – instead we will do a 'shout out' on our Facebook page.
Behaviour at Theatre Cats
If a child's behaviour is deemed high risk (for example, refusing to adhere to safety measure such as hand washing, social distancing, remaining in their bubbles or deliberate behaviours that put themselves or others at risk, such as spitting or deliberately coughing at people) the following sanctions and disciplinary procedures could be used: -
Conversation(s) with pupil(s) which could include a verbal warning and other behaviour management strategies in line with our current behaviour policy.
Once all appropriate behaviour management strategies have been exhausted, contact should be made with the pupil's parent/carer.
If the health and safety of other pupils and staff members are put at risk by the pupils not adhering to social distancing measures, then the parent/carer will be expected to collect the pupil and their membership to Theatre Cats may be revoked.
Children with Special Education Needs
Theatre Cats acknowledges that children will have had a range of different experiences during the lockdown period which may have an impact on their behaviour presentation.
As a result of these varied experiences children may present with behaviour that is not usual:
Anxiety; lack of confidence
Challenging behaviour, fight or flight response
Anger; shouting or crying
Hyperactivity and difficulties maintaining attention
For some children, including those with attachment concerns or SEN, and especially those with autism, the change in routines and lack of familiarity will require additional adjustment.
Theatre Cats recognises that behaviour could be a sign that for some individuals there is an unfulfilled need and that the behaviour is communicating that there is a problem. Theatre Cats will use reasonable endeavours to make the necessary adjustments to reduce the stimulus that may be triggering the challenging response.
Children with known SEN may have to attend Theatre Cats on a trial basis so that staff can evaluate their behaviour in line with our safety measures.
01283 337953
01283 337953